[:de]Telemonitoring – Fernüberwachung und Fernversorgung[:en]Medizinischer TeleMonitoring[:pl]Medyczny TeleMonitoring[:]

Wir entwickeln die telemedizinische Software mediAssistent in Kooperation mit Meditel Sp. z o.o.

Wir bieten die mediAssistantTM Plattform, um die Gesundheit und die Lebensqualität Ihrer Patienten aus der Ferne überwachen zu können.

Kostenlose Testversion
Mit diesem Angebot erhält eine medizinische Einrichtung die Möglichkeit die mediAssistantTM Telemedizin-Plattform kostenlos auf Probezeit unter den angegebenen Bedingungen und Voraussetzungen, zu verwenden.

Vim Tricks


Von Zeit zu Zeit schaltet sich das Syntax-Highlighting aus, so kann man es wieder starten oder neustarten:

:syn on | off

[:en]From time to time the syntax highlighting gets messed up, here how to restart it:

:syn on | off[:pl]

Od czasu do czasu wyłącza się podświetlanie składni, tak można go ponownie uruchomić:

:syn on | off


Screen TricksScreen TricksScreen Tricks

Some usefull stuff about the screen command under Linux:

How to split screen in screen 🙂

1. Create a split: C-a |
2. Move between splits: C-a
3. Create windows inside screens: C-a c

Some usefull stuff about the screen command under Linux:

How to split screen in screen 🙂

1. Create a split: C-a |
2. Move between splits: C-a
3. Create windows inside screens: C-a c

Kilka wskazówek na temat komendy screen w linuksie:

Jak podzielić widok w pionie 🙂

1. Podziel widok: C-a |
2. Poruszaj się między widokami: C-a
3. Utwórz nowe okno w widoku: C-a c

Linux Tricks

In this article i would like to share some linux command tricks, which may help you through the admin day.

count the connection per port:
netstat -plan|grep :80|awk {‚print $5‘}|cut -d: -f 1|sort|uniq -c|sort -nk 1 | wc -l
delete files older than 5 days:
find /path_to_check/temp* -type d -ctime +5 -exec rm -Rf {} \;
show zombie processes:
ps aux | awk ‚{ print $8 “ “ $2 }‘ | grep -w Z
kill zombies:
ps -ef | grep defunct | awk ‚{ print $3 }‘ | xargs kill -9

Git Tricks

Recover orgnal files from repository:
reset to HEAD
git reset –hard HEAD
git pull

GitVideo (gource required)
gource –bloom-multiplier 1.2 –bloom-intensity 1.2 –seconds-per-day 10 –title „mediAsystent“ –auto-skip-seconds 1 -1280×720

Yii TricksYii TricksYii Tricks

Name des Kontrollers:


Neuer Eintrag oder ändern in der Datenbank:
if (($model = ModelObject::model()->findByPk($obj_id))===null){
                    $model=new ModelObject;
                    $model->OBJ_ID = $obj_id;
                    $model->GROUP_ID = NULL;
                    $model->OBJ_ID = $obj_id;
                    $model->GROUP_ID = NULL;
                $model->save(); // save or update group record
Lesen GET/POST data

Yii::app()->request->getQuery($key, $defaultValue); // POST
Yii::app()->request->getPost($key, $defaultValue); // GET



[:de]Experience with web development languages of PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery.


  • Familiarity of HTML syntax for multiple specifications, including HTML 5.
  • Knowledge of the semantic meaning of all HTML elements.
  • Knowledge of markup used for layout such as dividers.
  • Knowledge at the level to be able to hand-code markup.
  • Including media and images.


  • Frameworks like Yii, Zend
  • Understanding how to utilize PHP to filter, process and output html, json, xml


  • Specifying different CSS for various media, devices and displays.
  • Best practices in CSS file organization and structure.
  • Methods for including CSS inline, internal and external via linked style sheets.
  • How to define, combine and group CSS selectors for HTML elements, ID, classes, pseudo classes, child or sibling.
  • Syntax of CSS declarations, properties and attributes.
  • CSS box model and methods for CSS positioning, absolute and relative.
  • Knowledge of properties and attributes to control the display.
  • Familiarity with differences in CSS 2 and CSS 3.
  • Proficient with a CSS Preprocessor such as Sass or LESS.

Best practices

  • Methods to ensure browser & device compatibility
  • Methods for degrading gracefully for older browsers and displays.
  • Methods to ensure accessibility.
  • File compression techniques for improving speed.


  • Knowledge of the operators, variables, datatypes, objects, properties and methods.
  • Familiarity with control structures such as objects, functions, conditional statements, arrays, loops and expressions.
  • Forms and regular expression validation and submitting data.
  • Knowledge of how to apply logical operators and conditional statements.
  • Knowledge of the DOM HTML objects and their properties.


  • Knowledge of how to employ the jQuery library for visual effects, event handling, and document manipulation.

[:en]Experience with web development languages of HTML, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery.


  • Familiarity of HTML syntax for multiple specifications, including HTML 5.
  • Knowledge of the semantic meaning of all HTML elements.
  • Knowledge of markup used for layout such as dividers.
  • Knowledge at the level to be able to hand-code markup.
  • Including media and images.


  • Frameworks like Yii, Zend
  • Understanding how to utilize PHP to filter, process and output html, json, xml


  • Specifying different CSS for various media, devices and displays.
  • Best practices in CSS file organization and structure.
  • Methods for including CSS inline, internal and external via linked style sheets.
  • How to define, combine and group CSS selectors for HTML elements, ID, classes, pseudo classes, child or sibling.
  • Syntax of CSS declarations, properties and attributes.
  • CSS box model and methods for CSS positioning, absolute and relative.
  • Knowledge of properties and attributes to control the display.
  • Familiarity with differences in CSS 2 and CSS 3.
  • Proficient with a CSS Preprocessor such as Sass or LESS.

Best practices

  • Methods to ensure browser & device compatibility
  • Methods for degrading gracefully for older browsers and displays.
  • Methods to ensure accessibility.
  • File compression techniques for improving speed.


  • Knowledge of the operators, variables, datatypes, objects, properties and methods.
  • Familiarity with control structures such as objects, functions, conditional statements, arrays, loops and expressions.
  • Forms and regular expression validation and submitting data.
  • Knowledge of how to apply logical operators and conditional statements.
  • Knowledge of the DOM HTML objects and their properties.


  • Knowledge of how to employ the jQuery library for visual effects, event handling, and document manipulation.

[:pl]Experience with web development languages of HTML, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery.


  • Familiarity of HTML syntax for multiple specifications, including HTML 5.
  • Knowledge of the semantic meaning of all HTML elements.
  • Knowledge of markup used for layout such as dividers.
  • Knowledge at the level to be able to hand-code markup.
  • Including media and images.


  • Frameworks like Yii, Zend
  • Understanding how to utilize PHP to filter, process and output html, json, xml


  • Specifying different CSS for various media, devices and displays.
  • Best practices in CSS file organization and structure.
  • Methods for including CSS inline, internal and external via linked style sheets.
  • How to define, combine and group CSS selectors for HTML elements, ID, classes, pseudo classes, child or sibling.
  • Syntax of CSS declarations, properties and attributes.
  • CSS box model and methods for CSS positioning, absolute and relative.
  • Knowledge of properties and attributes to control the display.
  • Familiarity with differences in CSS 2 and CSS 3.
  • Proficient with a CSS Preprocessor such as Sass or LESS.

Best practices

  • Methods to ensure browser & device compatibility
  • Methods for degrading gracefully for older browsers and displays.
  • Methods to ensure accessibility.
  • File compression techniques for improving speed.


  • Knowledge of the operators, variables, datatypes, objects, properties and methods.
  • Familiarity with control structures such as objects, functions, conditional statements, arrays, loops and expressions.
  • Forms and regular expression validation and submitting data.
  • Knowledge of how to apply logical operators and conditional statements.
  • Knowledge of the DOM HTML objects and their properties.


  • Knowledge of how to employ the jQuery library for visual effects, event handling, and document manipulation.



Tröndle GmbH => http://troendle-gmbh.de/
Sarastro Verlag => http://sarastro-verlag.de/
Travel Agency => http://blackbuddha.pl
Travel Agency Blog => http://djoser-reiseblog.de/